You're currently using v2.2.2

Current version: v2.2.2 (rel. 20.05.2024)
* SEO improvements
* Small styling improvements to info menu
* Fixed too long info texts on voice notes
Past Releases:
* Fixed audio playback of voice notes not working in some circumstances
* Adopted new keybind handeling on windows and macos
* Removed downwards compatibility prior to voice notes
* Other small UI changes and fixes / autofocus on textfield working again
* Includes HotFix1 & 2: fixed android typing text would cause recording to start / auto-translate causing components to break
* Introducing Voice Notes - hold the Voice Note button to record instead of typing text
* Added keybind support for Voice Notes
* Drag & drop a file directly into its field to attach it to a note
* Introducing audio file previews (beta) - allows previewing audio before downloading
* Split Info pages (formerly /about) into separate pages
* Transitioned to self-hosted, anonymous site data collection for feature testing purposes
* Updated How-To(?) section
* Added text-shadow and new colors across the interface
* Added animations by framer-motion
* Other small styling improvements and bug fixes
* Fixed a bug where password managers may detect the text field as a username input
* Dependencies upgraded
* Fix: error message if note is already read or deleted
* Fix: error message if note content is empty
* Small styling changes
* Enhanced Up/Download Progress with Retry & Cancel Options
* Video Previews on MP4 + common mov Files
* New Note Encryption: Notes are now 2x encrypted, both on the client and server sides. The second encryption key is delivered upon 100% download completion and also when a note is deleted from the server.
* ESC Keybind: Create New Notes or Clear the Input with just pressing "ESC"
* Official Attachment File Size Limit - Currently 50 MB
* Sleek Design Enhancements for a Polished Look
* Updated "How it Works" Section to reflect the 2nd Server-Side Encryption
* API Backend updated
* Dependencies upgraded
* fixed too small body width on tiny mobile devices
* other small design improvements and enhancements
* File image preview now displays in full width to the device
* Corrected some typos thanks to an old good friend :^)
* Other small design, spacing and font improvements
* Introducing a new home and navbar.
* Dark mode now goes even darker.
* Added a new "Clear" button to clear note input and file.
* Implemented a security check to detect when the tab or browser is no longer active, which automatically clears the note.
* Notes are now responsive if the text is very long in the read stage.
* Improved file attachment handling for easier usage.
* Improved accessibility to the password option section.
* Added other small redesigns and animations.
* Updated "about" pages with new sections, explanations, and a new changelog page.
* Added a new "How to" section when clicking on "New Note" or "?".
* Introduced new logos and preview pages when sending a link.
* Displays public version number at the bottom of the page.
* Added new icons.
* Made other small adjustments, styling changes, sorted and rewrote internal code.
* Made environment changes to allow future beta versions - stay tuned for exciting new features!